Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New Start

I apparently started this blog back in 2008, with a few posts of ramblings. I just found it again and thought I would clear it out and start from scratch.

☺ 39 years old ☺ I love to crochet ☺ I have 2 grown children ☺ I have a wonderful boyfriend ☺ We have 2 dogs, 4 cats, a turtle, a couple fish and a snail for pets ☺ I love animals ☺ I love purple ☺ I have cancer: Hodgkins Lymphoma (recurrent, 13 year survivor) ☺

 I am going to share things I find on the internet here; recipes, crochet patterns, craft ideas, DIY tips... anything I find interesting. I will also likely rant every now and then. I might even share information about my cancer, for those who want to know, because I sometimes forget who I have updated and who I forgot to tell.

I am not sure what direction this blog will go, how it will shape up... we'll see where it goes together (if anyone follows it; or alone if no one does, ha ha)

 I was trying to find a picture that I could put here, that I think represents me. This is the one I chose; it is a picture of a blanket I made for my boyfriend and myself; it took me 3 years and I absolutely love it...

Please feel free to contact me, give me ideas for posts, or even ask if I can help you find something online (I enjoy doing that).